
February 16, 2007 at 3:15 am (Uncategorized)

 Write a short piece on your blog, explaining what “friendship” means to you. Who has been a good friend to you? When have you been a good friend to someone else? What does it mean to be a “good friend” to someone?

Friendship means, to be friendly and kind to one another. It also means you have to respect them and be loyal to them.  Lots of People have been good friends to me. A couple are Tegan, Ashley, Jack (Shiels, Smith, Frazer), Dannii, Andrew D and F and lots of others. I have been a good friend to someone else today. I gave him 2 dolllars because he left his lunch money at home. Being a ‘good friend’ to someone is important. It means that you can share a FRIENDSHIP with them for the rest of your lives.

1 Comment

  1. mrbartlett said,

    Good work JJ. I wonder if you could have thought a bit more about what ‘friendship’ means. I’m sure you’re friendly and kind to people who aren’t your friends sometimes. How does someone benefit from being friends with someone? Why is it good for their wellbeing?

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